Terms and Conditions

71-75 Limited Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions set out on this page constitute a binding legal agreement between you, the user making a booking and/or making use of the website and us, 71-75 Limited. We are a private limited company registered in England & Wales under company number 14240917 and our registered office is situated at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ. 


Agreement to these terms 

By accessing or using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions, our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy. You warrant to us that you have read, understood and agree to them. If you do not agree to these terms and/or the Privacy Policy, you should stop using this website immediately. 

You are also responsible for ensuring that anyone who accesses or uses this website through your internet connection are aware of these terms, our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy, and that they comply with them.

Operation of our website

We have the right to update and/or change our website from time to time. We might do this to reflect updates or changes to our available products, changes in the law, or changes to our business. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.

We may suspend, withdraw, or restrict the availability of all or any part of our site for business and operational reasons. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.

Other terms which may apply to you 

Where you use our website to purchase services, including to book meeting rooms or request viewings, additional service terms will also apply to you. These are set out on this webpage and titled “Services Terms and Conditions”. 

Restrictions on Use 

It is your responsibility to ensure that any information you enter on the website is true, complete, accurate and not misleading. We will not be liable for any errors which have been directly or indirectly caused by your entry of incorrect information. 

You must not use this website if you are under 18 years of age.

You must not conduct, facilitate, authorise, or permit any text or data mining or web scraping in relation to our website or any services provided via, or in relation to, our website. This includes using (or permitting, authorising, or attempting the use of):

  • Any "robot", "bot", "spider", "scraper" or other automated device, program, tool, algorithm, code, process, or methodology to access, obtain, copy, monitor, or republish any portion of the website, or any data, content, information, or services accessed via the same.
  • Any automated analytical technique aimed at analysing text and data in digital form to generate information which includes, but is not limited to patterns, trends and correlations.

The provisions in this clause should be treated as an express reservation of our rights, including for the purposes of Article 4(3) of Digital Copyright Directive ((EU) 2019/790) but shall not apply insofar as (but only to the extent that) we are unable to exclude or limit text, data mining, or web scraping activity by contract under the laws which are applicable to us.

You must not tamper with, hinder the operation of, or make unauthorised modifications to the website, or any content, or materials on the website. 

You must not use the website, any of its content, materials, or any part of them for any illegal purposes. 

You must not:

  • misuse our website by knowingly or recklessly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that are malicious or technologically harmful.
  • attempt to gain unauthorised access to our website, the server on which our website is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our website.
  • attack our website via a denial-of-service attack, or a distributed denial-of service attack. 

By breaching this provision, you may commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our website will cease immediately.

Intellectual Property 

We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our website, and in the material and content published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and we reserve all such rights. You may not make use of any of the content or materials on our website or any part of them, except as expressly permitted within these terms. 

You may download and print any pages of our website for your own personal, non-commercial use. Apart from this, you must not use, reproduce, communicate, publish, or distribute any of the content on the website, and you must not use our website, or any part of the materials or content published on it for any illegal purpose, any commercial purpose, or commercial gain. 

Where you have printed or downloaded any pages, you must not modify the paper or digital copies in any way, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from any accompanying text. Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of content on our site must always be acknowledged.

All other intellectual property rights are reserved by us. If you print off, copy, download, share or repost any part of our website in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Your indemnity to us 

You shall indemnify and keep indemnified us, our respective officers, employees and agents (Indemnified Parties) from and against all claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Parties directly or indirectly arising out of, or in connection with:

  • your breach of any of these terms; and 
  • your breach of any applicable laws or regulations, including those outside of the UK but within your own jurisdiction.

Limit of liability

The website is provided to you free of charge and on an “as is” basis. We cannot and do not guarantee that our website, the materials, or content on it will be secure, uninterrupted, free from bugs or viruses, will not have errors or defects, or that they will not cause any damage. You are solely responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes, and internet to access our website, and we would recommend that you use your own virus protection software.

Although we take reasonable steps to update the content and materials on our website, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content and materials on our website are accurate, complete or up to date. Any photographs, dimensions, specifications or similar which are contained on the website are indicative only. 

You must seek appropriate professional advice before acting or placing any reliance on any of the content or materials on our website. We shall not be liable for any losses incurred by you, arising in connection with your non-compliance with this provision. 

Our liability in relation to the website is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law, and in particular we shall not be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages of any kind in relation to your use or reliance on the content and materials made available on the website. Where any implied warranties are not legally capable of being excluded, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of the warranty will at our option be limited to the supply of the services again, or the payment of the cost of having them supplied again.

Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors (as applicable), or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

We make no warranties, representations or guarantees that the content on the website complies with the laws of any country outside of the UK. If you are accessing the website from outside the UK, you do so at your own risk, and you are solely liable for any breach of the applicable laws in your jurisdiction. 

Linking to our website

You may link to our home page only, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal. This means that you are not entitled to link to our home page where this would:

  • do us reputational harm
  • represent or suggest that we are associated with you when we are not
  • represent or suggest that we have recommended, approved or endorsed your own website and/or services where we have not done so
  • take advantage of our reputation for your own gain
  • be a link placed on a website which is not owned by you
  • be illegal 
  • mean that our website is framed on any other site.

We are entitled to withdraw linking permission at any time without notice.

Third Party Booking Platform

We use a third party platform to allow website users to book our meeting rooms. This platform is provided by OfficeRnD. When you click book on our website, you will be taken to a booking platform, and at this stage our service terms, together with OfficeRnD’s terms and conditions, Privacy and Cookie Policies will also apply to you. Please ensure that you have read each of these before making your booking, as we are not responsible or liable for the operation of the booking platform. 

Third Party websites & services: General 

Where our website contains links to additional third party websites/resources, these links are provided for information purposes only. Please be aware that we do not own or operate such third party websites/resources, and therefore have no control over their contents, and will have no liability in respect of them, including in relation to any third party website/resources infringing the intellectual property rights of any other person. 

Data Protection 

We take data protection and privacy seriously, and will only use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Please note that where we link to third party websites, or use third party services in connection with the website, any personal information you give to the third party will be governed by the third party’s own privacy policy, and we will have no liability in relation to this. You should ensure that you have read and agree to any third party privacy policies before giving away any personal information. 


We may amend these terms and/or our Cookie and Privacy policies from time to time. It is your responsibility to check both documents each time you use or access the website, to ensure that you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of the website after any such updates will constitute your acceptance of the updated versions. We will not be liable for any claims, losses or similar incurred by you, which arise in connection with your failure to check for any updates to these terms, the Cookie Policy or the Privacy Policy


We may transfer our rights and/or obligations under these terms to another entity. We will always tell you in writing if this happens. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under these terms. 

If any part of these terms are found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable, then that part will be deemed to be severable from the remaining terms, and the severed part will not affect the validity and enforceability of any the remaining terms.

These terms, any documents referred to within them, and any warranties implied by law which are not capable of being excluded, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You confirm that you have not relied on statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms. You agree that you shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation, or negligent misstatement based on any statement included in these terms. 

If we delay action, or do not act in relation to a particular breach by you of these terms, this will not prevent us from taking action in relation to that particular breach in the future, and shall not be a waiver by us of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

These terms do not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce them. Both you and us acknowledge that our rights to rescind or vary these terms are not subject to the consent of any other person.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

Both us and you agree that these terms of use, their subject matter, their formation and any non-contractual disputes or claims are governed by English law. We also both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

Contact us 

Should you have any questions about these terms or the Privacy Policy, please contact us at: enquiries@71-75.co.uk.


Agreement to these terms 

By making a booking and/or requesting a viewing, you are agreeing to be legally bound by these terms and conditions, in addition to:

  • our Website Terms and Conditions; 
  • any other additional terms brought to your attention during the booking and checkout process;
  • our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy;
  • OfficeRnD's terms and conditions for venue users; and 
  • OfficeRnD’s Privacy Policy for venue users.

You warrant to us that you have read, understood and agree to them. If you do not agree to any of the terms and/or the Privacy Policy, you should not make a booking or request a viewing. 


To make a booking or request a viewing, you must be at least the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, and must have the right and authority to enter into these terms which will be a legally binding agreement between you and us. 


Prior to making a booking or arranging a viewing, you must read all information made available on the website about the meeting room you intend to book, the offices you wish to view, and any additional services offered. If you are unclear about any of the information provided, or have any further questions, you should contact us before making a booking. You acknowledge and accept that whilst we take reasonable steps to ensure that any descriptions, pictures, measurements or similar provided on our website in relation to the meeting rooms are accurate and up to date, we make no representations, guarantees, or warranties that such materials are complete, accurate, or up to date. 

Your Rights & Obligations

1. You are solely responsible for ensuring that the meeting room you request meets your needs. Please note that our meeting rooms are for business use only.

2. When using the meeting room, and at all times whilst you are on our premises, including where you have arranged a viewing, you shall:

  • behave in a courteous and professional manner, and not disrupt any other users of the rooms or the building;
  • comply with all health and safety policies and procedures as notified to you;
  • not do or attempt to do anything which is illegal or, in our opinion, distasteful or unethical;
  • not take away, remove or attempt to take away or remove any items (including but not limited to any software, hardware or furniture), unless expressly permitted to do so by us in writing;
  • where you have booked a meeting room, ensure that any computers, files, plug in media or similar have been virus checked and are free of viruses, malware or similar before using them;
  • not intentionally or recklessly damage the meeting room, the offices, the building, or any part of it, including any furniture or devices within it;
  • not access or attempt to access any room or other area of the building to which we have not explicitly granted you access.

3. You must co-operate with us in all matters relating to the provision of our services, including but not limited to:

  • providing timely responses;
  • ensuring that all information you provide to us is true, accurate, complete and not misleading; and
  • providing us with documentation promptly when we request it.  

4. You acknowledge and accept that we may, from time to time, require proof of identity and/or address to be able to provide the services. Where we request this, we may be unable to commence providing the services until we have received the relevant documentation from you and completed the appropriate checks. Where you are booking on behalf of a corporate entity, we will usually request proof of identity and/or address for all shareholders owning over 25% of the entity. 

5. Our building is dog friendly. You must contact us before booking or arranging a viewing, to make us aware if you or your guests have a dog allergy. If this is the case, we will discuss with you whether you would still like to make a booking or arrange a viewing, and if you do, we will require you to sign a disclaimer. You must not book a meeting room or arrange a viewing without having disclosed the allergy to us and having provided the signed disclaimer, and if you do book a meeting room or arrange a viewing in breach of this provision, we shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, have no liability to you or your guests in respect of any adverse reactions or any losses whatsoever.

6. You must ensure that you have left the meeting room (and if you do not have another booking, the building) by the expiry of the time period you have booked. It is your sole responsibility to make sure that you leave on time. Where you have overstayed and the particular meeting room is not booked by another person, we may allow you to stay for an extra agreed time period for an additional charge.

7. You must pay the booking fee in full on the agreed due date and in any event prior to using the meeting room. If you have not paid the booking fee, we may refuse you entry. The relevant fee will be notified to you during the booking process, and where payment up front is requested, you will be unable to complete your booking unless the fee has been paid in full. You have no set off rights.

8. You acknowledge and accept that where we provide you with Wi-Fi, the use of such Wi-Fi is at your own risk and the Wi-Fi will be shared with other users of the building and/or meeting rooms. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you save and back up your data and documents regularly. 

9. Where you have booked a meeting room, you must arrive within half an hour of the time the booking started. If you have not arrived within half an hour, we may deem the room vacant and available for other users, and you will still be liable for the full booking fee. 

10. Where you have arranged a viewing, you must arrive on time. If you fail to arrive on time, we may cancel the viewing without any liability to you.

11. Where you have arranged a viewing, you must not:

  • take or attempt to take any photographs of the building, or any part of it; and
  • bring any guests to the viewing, unless this has been explicitly agreed by us in writing in advance. 

12. You are responsible for ensuring that your guests comply with these terms and will be liable for any breach by them of these terms.

13. Where you have booked a meeting room, you must not have more guests than the maximum capacity that your meeting room allows. This will be either 4, 6 or 8 guests, depending on the meeting room you book.

14. If you would like to cancel a booking, and are unable to do so using the platform due to the lock-in period, please contact us at enquiries@71-75.co.uk. For any booking cancelled less than 4 working days prior to the date for which the booking has been made, you will be liable for the full booking fee. For cancellations requested 4 or more days prior, we may, but are not obliged to cancel or reschedule your booking. We are more likely to be able to do so where you provide reasonable notice. Please note that rescheduling may incur an additional fee.

15. If you need to cancel a viewing, please contact us at enquiries@71-75.co.uk.

Our Rights & Obligations 

1. Your booking of a meeting room and/or request for a viewing will not be binding unless and until you have received an acceptance email. We may reject or cancel bookings and viewings at any time without notice and for any reason.

2. Where we reject your booking, and you have pre-paid, we will refund you the booking fee. Where we cancel your booking, and you have pre-paid, we will refund you the booking fee or a portion of it, where you have been provided with the meeting room for a period of time. Notwithstanding this, you shall not be entitled to any refund where the cancellation is due to reasons beyond our reasonable control.

3. Arranging a viewing is free, and we shall have no liability to you in relation to any viewings which we cancel for any reason and at any time without notice.

4. Subject to acceptance of your booking and receipt of the relevant fee, we shall provide you access to a meeting room and the relevant additional services for the time and date you have selected in your booking. The specific additional services that will be provided to you will be outlined in the description of each meeting room on our website.

5. Whilst we try to ensure that all bookings can be complied with, in the event that the meeting room you have requested is not available on the date and/or time of your booking for any reason, we have the right (but are not obliged) to provide you with an alternative meeting room. Where we provide an alternative meeting room in accordance with this provision, we shall have no further liability to you. Subject to the exceptions set out in these terms, where an alternative meeting room cannot be provided, we will cancel your booking and refund the booking fee.

6. Where you have booked a meeting room and, in our opinion, you have not complied with your obligations under the section “Your Rights & Obligations”, we reserve the right, without any liability to you, to revoke your access to the meeting room, any additional services, and the building. Where you have arranged a viewing and, in our opinion, you have not complied with your obligations under the section “Your Rights & Obligations”, we may terminate the viewing immediately. Where requested to do so you must leave the building immediately. The rights given to us in this provision do not affect any other legal rights and remedies we may have in respect of your breach. 

7. We reserve the right to correct any inadvertent pricing errors and charge you the correct price.

8. If for any reason payment of the booking fee has not been made in full by the agreed due date, we will charge interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 4% a year above the Bank of England base rate at the time of charging interest, with a minimum rate of 4% where the base rate is below 0%. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment.

9. If the rate of VAT changes between the date on which your booking request was made and the date you pay for the booking in full, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you must pay in line with the prevailing rate.


The booking fee, including any applicable VAT, is payable upon making a booking request, and you will be directed to a checkout page to make payment. 

Payment can be made using a debit card or credit card. We accept the following cards:

  • American Express
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Please note that this list may be subject to change. 

For any failed or cancelled payments, a £10 administration fee will be incurred and payable by you. 

Please note that we use the third party payment processor, Stripe, and therefore will not be liable in respect of any issues concerning payment.

Limit of Liability & Force Majeure

1. We shall not be in breach of these terms, or otherwise liable for any failure, or delay in the performance of our obligations, if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited, to the destruction of, or damage to, the building or meeting room, the meeting room being fully occupied, or access to the building or meeting room being withdrawn or restricted. In these circumstances, where you have booked a meeting room you will not be entitled to a refund and shall remain liable for the full booking fee.

2. We shall not be in breach of these terms or otherwise liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising that you may suffer due to your use of the Wi-Fi.

3. Subject to paragraph 5 below, our liability in relation to the services provided to you (including, but not limited to, the provision of meeting rooms, viewings and any additional services) is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law, and in particular, we shall not be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages of any kind in relation to your use or inability to use our services. Where any implied warranties are not legally capable of being excluded, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of the warranty will at our option be limited to the supply of the services again, or the amount paid to us by you for the particular booking, due to which the issue arose. 

4. Subject to paragraph 5 below, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall also not be responsible for and have no liability in respect of:

  • any errors or omissions you make in your booking of a meeting room or request for a viewing;
  • any breach by us of these terms which have been caused by or contributed to by you;
  • personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of our services (including, but not limited to, the provision of meeting rooms, viewings and any additional services); and
  • any unauthorised access to or use of our servers. 

5. Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors (as applicable) or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

Your Indemnity 

You shall indemnify and keep indemnified us, our respective officers, employees and agents (Indemnified Parties) from and against all claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including, but not limited to, any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Parties directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with:

  • your breach of any of these terms;
  • your breach of any applicable laws or regulations; and
  • your use of a meeting room, the building and/or any additional services.

Intellectual Property 

We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights used for the provision of our services, and in any material, software and content in relation to them. Nothing in these terms shall be deemed to transfer to you, or entitle you to, any interest in any of our intellectual property rights, unless expressly stated. Where you are permitted to make use of any of our intellectual property rights, such use shall be strictly limited to that necessary for you to receive the full benefit of the services to be provided to you.  

Data Protection 

We take data protection and privacy seriously, and will only use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy available on our website. 


We may amend these terms from time to time. It is your responsibility to read through the terms each time you make a booking to ensure that you are aware of any changes. We will not be liable for any claims, losses or similar incurred by you, which arise in connection with your failure to check for any updates to these terms prior to completing the booking process. 


We may transfer our rights and/or obligations under these terms to another entity. We will always tell you in writing if this happens. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under these terms. 

If any part of these terms are found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable, then that part will be deemed to be severable from the remaining terms and the severed part will not affect the validity and enforceability of any the remaining terms.

These terms, any documents referred to within them, and any warranties implied by law which are not capable of being excluded, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You confirm that you have not relied on statement, representation, assurance, or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms. You agree that you shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement based on any statement included in these terms. 

If we delay action, or do not act in relation to a particular breach by you of these terms, this will not prevent us from taking action in relation to that particular breach in the future, and shall not be a waiver by us of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

These terms do not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce them. Both you and us acknowledge that our rights to rescind or vary these terms are not subject to the consent of any other person.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

Both us and you agree that these terms of use, their subject matter, their formation and any non-contractual disputes or claims are governed by English law. We also both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

Contact us 

Should you have any questions about these terms, the booking process or how to arrange a viewing, please contact us at: enquiries@71-75.co.uk.

We pride ourselves on providing a great service; however, if you would like to make a complaint or provide feedback, we will do our best to resolve any issues. You should contact our Customer Service Manager in the first instance by calling 020 3148 8770.

Should a resolution not be reached, you may submit a formal complaint by email to enquiries@71-75.co.uk. We will always do our best to acknowledge and respond to any complaints as quickly as possible. 

Get in touch

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